Monday, September 1, 2014

Avacado Study

Avacado Study/ oil on gesso board/ 8 x 8 
Today is day 1 of the Thirty Paintings in Thirty Day Challenge hosted by Leslie Saeta (link). As soon as I compose this post, I will see whether I was successful in signing up last week...
To start with, on this challenge I will paint 8 x 8 or 8 x 10 (maybe 9 x 12), quick studies to keep my prices (for this month challenge only) attractive... Most of my subjects will be familiar to me (so I can complete them quickly). I practice with a slice of cantaloupe and some leks and they are part of this series..
In this painting I set three challenges (in addition to the ones above):
1. colour: bright and vibrant (you do know that I am Canadian by birth ( and correct spelling)
2. Clear depiction of ""In and out"
3. interesting design...


  1. Wonderful colors in your avocado painting! I like your approach to the challenge, too. Enjoy the month!
