Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Three days until Christmas and 9 days til the start of 2017 and my new blog. Thank you to many of you who have taken the time to sign up for the switch. Here is the info for any of you who have missed this.

I have been working on copy for my blog (aka newsletter) that will be completely redone and ready with the arrival of 2017.

Depending on your interest, I  know you won't want to miss the tips, the step-by-step process descriptions or other surprises.

To make sure you receive this in your e mail inbox, you are going to have to re sign up because I will be switching to mail chimp as my platform. To sign up, you will have to click on this link which will take you to my web page. On most of the pages you will find a subscribe link or button. After you fill in your e mail, you will be prompted to activate your signup by a follow up e mail. I hope you will take a few minutes and sign up. I will re post this, in case you forget. Thank you, again!!

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