Wednesday, July 30, 2014

France: Oil Sketch on Canvas paper

France/ oil on canvas paper (will be mounted on board)/ 6 x 6/ 
This is a small oil sketch on canvas paper (6 x 6) size. This seems to be a great way to work out a painting (test composition and colors).
The surface of this paper is great for texture, scrapes back well and minimally "soaks up" the paint. This brand is Strathmore.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Child Study and Swim Study "Float"

Here is the study from last post completed. I warmed some of the areas of the face, added detail to the eyes and added some darks.

I swim almost every day. The next painting is inspired by this. I think it should be called "Float". I hope to do some more of these.
You can purchase it here

Float/ oil on paper mounted to board/ 9 x 12/ $175

Friday, July 25, 2014

Step by step

I am working on massing in the beginning of a painting and understanding planes. To help with planes, I purchased one of the planes of the head models and lit it today while I worked on lights and darks. To make this learning less painful, I am painting on canvas paper. If I paint something that I want to keep, I can mount it onto a support after it dries. Otherwise, the exercises can be discarded without too much sadness about the expense.

Dogs are easier than people. Here is a recent commission.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sand Castles

Sand Castles/ oil on gesso board/ 5 x 7/ SOLD
I am working presently in oil to use thicker paint, lots of color and broken brush strokes.

Here is another small beach painting with these goals in mind.

I am delighted that a large watercolor which I showed in progress on FB earlier this year was recently accepted into this years's NC Watercolor Society Show. It will open Oct 12 and run through November 29th at Barton College in Wilson. For nearby friends, Judy Glover's painting was also accepted into this show. We would love to see you at the opening. I'll post more information and links soon.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Colorful Plum

I painted this on a board that to which I attached a piece of primed canvas. I then toned the canvas with a cool purple and allowed it to dry.
I wanted to paint this plum with a cool background color to push the dark warm plum forward. Because I love color, I allowed this cool to be clean and intense which seemed more interesting than the usual greyed cool.

Small studies with defined goals for a little while.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

July Joy

July Joy/ oil on gesso board/ 5 x 7/ SOLD
I love the watercolors of Charles Reid (link) and Joseph Zbukvic (link). I love the oil paintings of Carolyn Anderson (link). If you have a few minutes, click on the links and see what you think.

As I work each day to improve, I see, in my mind's eye what each of these artists have mastered. They each paint realistic subjects into an abstracted beautiful painting. This is my quest and my desire.

This little boy has found his heart's desire. He expresses what I feel as I step onto the beach and feel the warm sand on my feet and the surrounding sunlight and hear the crashing of the waves. This is the same joy I feel as I paint and what I hope to feel some day when my vision matches my completed painting. Until then, I am thankful to keep learning.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Studies on Canvas Paper

This was photographed in room light with my i phone so the colors are not as bright as they really are.  Today, I decided to study applying paint: lights and darks, describing mass, glass and a little metal. I taped canvas paper to a support and did single small studies. I will do this again.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Fluorcent Boys

To paint this, I under painted the shadow shapes in transparent darks and worked to paint the shapes and values.   I loved these bathing suits especially as they reflected in the beach pools.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Nectarine and Peach Sketch

Nectarine and Peach Sketch/ oil on canvas board/ 6 x 8/ $125
Using thick paint again, my challenge was to paint a nectarine and a peach. The colors of both were very similar. The difference was the texture of the fruits. The difference in texture seemed to be depicted by the difference in edges and highlights.

Buy it here

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Tomato Study

I scrimp on paint. I try not to, but I squeeze out too little pigment and "save" the paint.....Today, I decided to only apply paint that was very thickly loaded on my brush. This was a very different experience. It felt a lot more sculptural and "rich" to paint this way. As soon as I complete this post, I will try another.

This little painting is also part of my self-learning about canvas. My husband cut pieces of masonite to which, using different neutral ph adhesives, I have attached a variety of primed canvas types.

After posting, I decided to change the brushwork on the front of the tomato and change the direction and size of the brush marks on the background.

Tomato Study/ oil on canvas on board/ 5 x 5/ $85

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Pink Shoes

Pink Shoes/ oil on board/ 8 x 10/ $145
This is painted over a thin transparent background layer of paint. I wanted to paint this as loosely as I could: broken brush work mixing with the under layer of paint. I love the colors in this.

Buy it here